I was thrilled last summer when Prime Number accepted the first chapter of my memoir in stories, The Loose Fish Chronicles, to be published.
Now I'm very excited again as Wordrunner eChapbooks.com has accepted SIX chapters of the memoir, PLUS hot links and actual photos from my life in the 60's in New York City where these stories are based.

Here's the announcement, if you didn't get an email:
Wordrunner eChapbooks takes great pleasure in announcing publication of our winter 2011, memoir/personal narrative echapbook: Beverly A. Jackson's The Loose Fish Chronicles: Excerpt From a Memoir in Stories.
Jackson's memoir gives us early 1960's Greenwich Village from a young woman's perspective. The stories are starkly honest and the language glows (she is also an accomplished poet and painter) in their examination of a young woman starting adult life in the New York neighborhood famed for worshipping the arts and rejecting conformity. Greenwich Village became the epicenter for the enormous cultural shift we now refer to as the "Sixties," yet, even there, attractive young women were still expected to hide their own intelligence and talent.
These stories are a wonderful read on their own. But we are also, for the first time, honoring the "E" in echapbook. Hyperlinks to photos, videos, background articles, and Beverly's poetry and artwork add a kind of immediacy that only web-based publication can provide. Please immerse yourself in The Loose Fish Chronicles at www.echapbook.com/memoir/jackson. You may also download a pdf version to print and read at your leisure.
Thanks to Marko Fong, who edited this echapbook with great care and enthusiasm.
Let us know what you think about it. Visit the Wordrunner eChapbook Facebook page to comment on any of these stories.
The mid-March, 2012 echapbook will be a fiction collection, featuring one author. Submissions are open January 1 through February 21. Guidelines will be posted after December 26 at www.echapbook.com/submissions.htm. We look forward to reading your work.
Thanks to all our readers for your ongoing interest.
Jo-Anne Rosen, Publisher/Editor
Wordrunner eChapbooks