Even the grocery store was mobbed yesterday. I had to pick up some sour cream for the Chicken Paprikash I'm cooking today. Neighbors are coming for dinner tomorrow. And then this holiday weekend will be over~. Thankfully.
Last night I drove around my neighborhood, a rather upscale mobile home park that sits on three man-made lakes. And beautifully landscaped with palms, Hong Kong orchid trees, hibiscus and bougainvillea. There is, apparently, some Xmas Eve tradition in the park of putting out luminaries in front of the homes and up the driveways. They make them out of plastic gallon jugs or small white bags, with candles in them. I must say it was quite pretty. A little village of Xmas lights and luminaries.

The dogs and I drove around and admired the light show,(nothing so grandiose as those shown on TV where millionaires are using 200,000 lights to create a public traffic nuisance with their excesses) and as we returned home, a golf cart came down the street. It was all decorated with tinsel, red bows and holly wreaths. Santa Claus and (? Mrs. Santa Claus) both dressed in big red suits, white beard on the Mister, and a bluster of "Ho Ho Ho's" as they stopped at a house and their friends came out to greet them. Possibly another tradition for that particular resident? It was amusing. Ho Ho Ho.

When you think about it, Santa and his elderly wife are likely retired in Florida and living in a mobile home. They surely couldn't afford much more, the way they give. Also, that North Pole cold doesn't work for old bones and arthritis, I can assure you.

So, today I cook and sip the Malbec, and watch old movies and wait for it all to go away. Not a bad Sunday. And the weather is glorious!
But for those of you who celebrate, I hope you do it up well! Ho Ho Ho.
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